

My idea was that it had been copied by hand five times so I would copy it five times.

Oh, yeah.

As a parallel to former attitudes toward copying it.

Yes, Yes. So it was to make a point about that actually. But, yeah, we're so used to the idea of "copy" aren't we? That if we want a copy we can have a copy. But it's interesting that there's not very much value placed on an exact copy such as photographs might give you or some other means of reproduction. Ahm, ....

Except for what is said in a couple of the comments I collected.

Oh, is that right?

Yeah. A lot of them liked Rosie Feist's because it's the nearest

The nearest to the original.

But one painter spoke about how she felt like changing things. She enjoyed changing the rocks and she changed some the background stuff. Her mother is going to make another copy and asked, "Can I do what I want with it? I'd like to change some things. That's what I'd enjoy."

I said, "Oh, yes, do."

Here's a print of the landscape. I carry it in case I meet people that want one.

I love it.

And this it in a frame?

This is a copy of it.

Oh, that's a copy that you made?

No. My mom commissioned this. You see my family had innocently started this project over the years.


You see this frame? It was on the original painting when it hung in my great grandmother's parlor. My mom thought the old broken painting wasn't worthy of the antique frame so she took it to a weekend painter in Edmonton and had this copy made. She put the original frame on her copy. These were done after my aunt had had it copied twice. My mom had passed the original on to a sister so when she wanted something to paint she copied the copy.

That's wild! [Laughs] That's very cool. Actually I've already done...... I did a copy of a dog painting of a thrift store one that my friend found in Montreal.


So I found linen like it was and made an exact copy.

Oh, really.

I'm considering making a set of these and giving them to people. So that this same painting exists in different forms in different places.

That's also wild.

I would copy it including all the cracks.

Oh, you would.

I don't have a studio now.

Why don't you come to Stride and work downstairs on the lineolem patterened floor.


Or you could bring an easel and a stool and sit in front of the original like they do at the Louvre.


I'd wear a smock and I'd have to paint the landscape a different size from the original.

You'd have to report at the desk to be authorized and to pick up an I.D. badge to wear.

[More laughter]

Who did this one?

Rosie Feist. Mom's friend in Edmonton.

Oh. Well she did a nice job didn't she? The water really goes down hill there, though. Doesn't it?

Yeah, a little bit. More than in the original .

Well, water goes down hill.

I'm holding up the original and the Rosie Feist one.

So what do you think?

And whose is this?

That's Mom's.

That's very nice too.

That was copied from the copy.


Going back to the painting --the copy that Dee made. You though it wasn't as good?

It wasn't a good reproduction because she had the water running downhill. Well, streams do have to run down hill a little bit or they wouldn't run. But she had it going down......

A waterfall.


And somebody liked the one with the tree bent over.

No, Carrie said she had her tree bent too much--didn't you say?

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