

A very interesting project. I love it. And I love it in conjunction with the comments. I think that ah......

I'll involve the public through two gateways--one through the computer station and one through the gallery door. I'm having a good time with these analogies. And it's also structuring my intention. Digital becomes analog. You have the neurological synapse here. It's digital inside the cell (electrical activity) and in the gap it's analog (chemical).

A framework, yeah.

And so you have this monitor in the basement, the input--it's digital. A dance goes on --an electrical dance. The choice of which electron goes through the cell wall seems random but it probably isn't. The impulse will go through this little exit. It goes out into here, into the gap. Here it's chemical. There's a receptor over here where the next cell receives the message that came across this gap. The show is an allegory.

I see.

Well, there are two reasons why I picked these sort of pixelated or mosaic kinds of things. An aspect of the show is a contrast between analog and digital. You know, hand done traditional work as opposed to digital output that the computer can do. Originally my idea was based on the neuronal synapse. On one side it's digital. When the "output" moves through the cell membrane it becomes analog. It is then picked up by the receptor of the next nerve side on the other side of the gap, it turns digital again. My show is set up on that principle. Of course the gridded window provided the perfect opportunity to play up the digital part.


Then there will be digital voices speaking some of the conversations at the audio station.

I find keys to things even in these texts.

Yes. yes.

Saving these texts is a humongous job. It's the only part of the project that almost got me down. It's so extensive. On the other hand I need them to flesh out the allegory. Because of the model I used.

Yes. yes.

That end of the gallery holds a record of everything that passes through. Whether anyone ever reads those or not doesn't matter.


I still want to put them in the binder.

I absolutely understand.

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