

Speaking about the space of the gallery, it will be a gap. It won't be this opinion or that opinion.


Because you don't yet have an opinion. You're there trying to sort it out. And so you're going to go around the loop and you'll gradually make some sense or some pattern for yourself while In there. It will be the transformation of...

You should call it "The Gap".

The gap. But then I might be competing with the store.

[Laughter] The gallery is the perfect space because we're always aware of that empty space there at some point. Aren't we?


It's a cleared space and we bring things in. but the emptiness is still present. What that emptiness becomes is always part of the show.

Because you always know that it's temporary.

Yeah, absolutely.

So when you step into the gap whatever you bring. Whatever you thought art was will collapse.


So there's a total collapse. As a result of that collapse you are in a mental gap.


What's the title of it called? The whole show.

The Gap.

Where did you get that from?

Well, there are a few gaps ah,

Time gaps.

Time gaps, gaps between professional and amateur, gaps between high tech and hand painting, gaps between commercial signage and fine art,


And a gap in the gallery space itself where there's no obvious explanation of why I'm doing all this. So the visitors will step into that gap. And they

then have to .....

Come up with what they see.

That's right. You're exactly right. Fill it with what they see.



I used "key" in the singular so that it could be taken more than one way.

I guess it applies to my idea-generating self as well. I had a plan for the activities to be put in place for the show but I was missing the "key" object to be used for initiating the activities. I've had those paintings since March but couldn't see that they were my take-off point--my "key" for the show.

Ohhh, yes.

Partly because I already had in mind a different sort of proposal for the six paintings and partly because I became a little self conscious about showing them.

Oh, yes.

But one morning I woke up and thought,"This is the 'key'."

Yeah, yeah.

All day long I was a little uncomfortable but the thought wouldn't go away so I went with it.

That's right.

So, you see, I thought I didn't have my key but I did.

But you did.




But think too, about all the emphasis and interest in currently electronic forms of art and, ah, we tend in the art world to think of art works that involve sophisticated technology being sophisticated projects. Whereas this painting project they would think of it as exactly the opposite. But, ahm, so it might be very interesting to...

Well, yeah, Well I guess it ties into this whole business of multiplicities and possibilities. Where does this leave art? You know and this is such a central question to what I do. The reason that I was interested in those mechanically produced works was because they seemed to ah--to indicate right in the way they were made--they seemed to embody a whole lot of unexpressed possibilities. Because they were made objects there was only one possibility there. But when you look at how they were made and how the decisions were made they seemed to manifest more other equally possible solutions to the same problem--equally viable. So this series of paintings is about that same sort of thing. For me as an artist. so that every person who make a painting has made another painting, another art work, and you can get into the whole business of comparing this one with that one.

You mean just through the discourse that develops from it? They've made another painting because they've shown all the possibilities there'll be for another one.

Noo. I just meant that if you could line up all the people in the world and have them make a painting you would have that many potential art works.


Unless you get into the business of saying , "This one is an art work but this one isn't."

Uhm hm.

Why is it an art work because this person has done it? Why is this an art work? Why is this one an art work?



Or is it?

She would say it isn't. I know people who would say that none of these are art works.


And it has to do with intent. It has to do with the knowledge of the ah...discipline of a art.

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