

I was just wondering if you could recall that experience and relate it for me.

I don't remember that much about it. I was six, I think. And I remember actually going out for supper to Mrs. Anderson's who did painting, eh?


I remember seeing it sitting on the easel kind of thing. She had it done. And then...that's all I remember. She gave me Ginger Ale for supper. [laughter] It seems to me that she had already made the one copy . Now I don't know if she had made other ones before that or not. But I do remember the one sitting in her living room and realizing that the old painting that she had made the copy from but I don't remember much other than that.

There was a box with paintings and that kind of thing in it. And it was marked, "Paintings off apartment walls." I had gone through it and took whatever I wanted kind of thing.

I see.

There were some more paintings there done by some ladies in Westlock and that kind of thing.

Yes. And before we had talked to your Mom we were referring to "the Sterling girls," thinking that one of them had done the two copies. But she verified that Alice Anderson had done them.

Yeah. So you see it was a very important day for me. Because I remember I got to stay overnight at Grandma's house.


We went out for supper to Mrs. Anderson's and I remember seeing the painting and I remember getting Ginger Ale for supper. It was like a big deal, eh?



This interaction we're engaged in is the art. I don't know if you'd agree to that or not but I'm excited about it.

I understand what you're saying there because you know that one I've got on the wall there with the mountains in it.

Uhm hm.

You know that one I've got on the wall there with the mountains in it.

Uhm hm.

Like when I painted that like I just love mountains so much that I...

You've got a lot of mountains there.

Yeah. I feel that all the colouring and stuff comes out in that picture. I can understand that. But what is...

That's the last one he did. It's interesting but...

A major sunset.

I like the glow in the middle but I don't quite know what we'd do with it.

Big French fries comin' out at ya.


Well, to me, my goal is to make things look natural. to look as much like...Like if I want to paint a tree my goal would be to make it just as much like that tree up there as I possible can.

And that's your idea of natural.

Yeah. yeaah.

Does this water look natural?

Well, since I haven't been around a...

Of course water can be so many different ways.

To me this is a little bit odd anyway. Isn't it because unless that's a river and it makes a bend here how come there are so many waves here and it's so smooth there? You know.

Because of the rocks.

Well, it must be flowing here then .

Yeah. That was my impression.

So it must...

That was my impression of that picture--that it's a river.

O.K. if it's a river then I guess it's supposed to be rapids which is quite natural--really--like this--I think better than the original.

That middle one, I sure like the sky in that one.

Yeah, that's a nice one.

I like that sky.

This one of hers is slightly different.

That green hill in the background is different. The greener hill on this side is lower.

It's got skinnier trees but that's all right.

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