Reunion: Thranduil x Reader. Almwen was laughing so much that she could not respond. Thranduil Stories - Wattpad Language: English. But Not Tonight by … Thranduil is first recorded in this event, when he and his father, Oropher, arrived "with only a handful of Sindar" in S.A. 750, in Greenwood the Great. Imagine Thranduil getting frustrated because the wind is messing up his hair. Legolas: Oldest son of King Thranduil, crown prince and heir to the throne, commander of the army. Taking the … Thranduil He watched her as he sat at the table to peel and … Thranduil Likes: 606. Thranduilfanfiction Stories - Wattpad Gold (2015 holiday ficlet) – The sequel to “White,” and Bard and his betrothed have a Yuletide wedding. Thranduil and his wife, a hobbit fanfic | FanFiction Upload . Lord of the Rings FanFiction
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