Personally, I respect Juno but I do not put too much weight on the asteroid but it truly does feel the cherry on top when all other aspects are in sync. However, if the aspects are that close, also with the other persons juno conjunct your Sun; I could see that possibly being an attributing factor. Let’s talk about the vertex axis, sometimes called the “electric axis,” and what it means when we have this axis conjunct in our synastry. Nessus conjunct the Sun in Synastry - My Christian Psychic Finding Juno in synastry and in the natal chart is simple. Go to, choose extended chart selection the option, and add the asteroid Juno or the number 3 to the additional objects. You can add Juno both in the natal chart and in synastry. In the chart, look to the symbol that looks like a flower. This is the symbol for Juno: ⚵. Synastry charts are complex and you should focus on the key planets and points, but if there is an exact aspect with an asteroid, it should not … My Moon is on his descendant. Conclusion. With Lilith conjunct Juno in the synastry chart, the Juno person probably finds some of the Lilith person’s traits alluring, at least in the beginning. Seven Aspects For "Soul" in the Synastry Chart - Psychic Ami Answer (1 of 4): It would be pure folly for me to even try to provide any information regarding Juno-conjunct Lilith in a synastry chart without knowing more details. He cheated on her, yet she still stayed with him, and fulfilled her traditional duties. juno conjunct mc synastry - The Juno individual sees some of the qualities that they want in a long term relationship within the Lilith individual, however these qualities all have a slightly darker hue than the Juno person really wants.
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