The deafness and kidney failure occurred in less than 15% of patients at five times the dosage of what is believed to be therapeutic for the treatment of Parkinson's and the blindness and impaired renal function was gradual onset and was reversed after treatment was stopped. By Judy Woodruff CNN KENDALL, Florida (CNN) . That's the subject of a new Frontline documentary airing tonight on many PBS stations.3 Feb 2009. Who is Judy Woodruff husband? Parkinson's Disease Parkinson's disease is a movement disorder in which nerve cells responsible for producing dopamine break down. Michael Gerson is a political columnist for the Washington Post . He has published extensively on his team's effort to cure Parkinson disease using cell replacements, beginning with fetal brain cells and more recently using stem cells in monkeys. This year's PLINA recipient, Bob Woodruff, is recognized for his . Read the Full Transcript. lines for testing grow, as americans prepare to come together for the holidays plus, from russia with . Veteran journalist Judy Woodruff has been anchoring the PBS NewsHour since 2013. etc. Judy Woodruff Husband, Children | Who Are They & What's Her Net Worth? Past recipients include former United States Vice President Walter Mondale for his commitment to brain research, Michael J. i'm judy woodruff. I had to go get myself checked to make sure I didn't have Parkinson's [disease]," he said. As a result, the nerve cells cannot. (Getty) PBS anchor Judy Woodruff is co-moderating Thursday night's Democratic debate in Wisconsin alongside her colleague Gwen Ifill. is yamiche alcindor married - Is married? On Frontline, a Personal Look at Parkinson's | PBS NewsHour (Atlanta: Rhonda Rowland) The use of cloned animal cells to treat Parkinson's disease examined; details given of the experiments and of the unknowns involved in cloning as treatment.
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